North River House
The existing +/- 1000 sf ranch home on the lot had expansive views over marshland out to the Ocean . Unfortunately, extensive mold damage made salvaging the existing house impossible. The new design shares the existing footprint but is now 2 stories and over 1400 Sf in size with a large deck to the east. This new 1400 SF high-performance energy-efficient home will take advantage of passive solar heating as well as renewable energy. Many environmentally responsible building materials were incorporated into the home including: recycled paper countertops, salvaged hardwood flooring, energy-efficent appliances and lighting. The home is EnergyStar rated and designed to be LEED for Homes certified as well. Energy modeling predicts it will cost $400/yr to heat.
energy: MA New Homes with Energy Star, tier 2
builder: Jon Palmstrom Construction, Marshfield, MA