affordable housing harwich
The site is long narrow wood parcel in a neighborhood in Harwich. It abuts conservation land, existing cranberry bogs and rehabilitation center in Dennis. Solar considerations where a priority due to funding so a careful plan for removing trees and disturbing as little of the site as possible. A3 Architects designed 12 units of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom affordable rental housing for the Community Development Partnership, a non-profit organization the committed to providing affordable housing projects throughout the lower Cape. The project received funding from the Cape Light Compact's Green Homes initiative for photovoltaics and LEED for Homes certification. Each of the 12 units in the development met the USGBC's LEED for Home highest rating: Platinum.
energy: LEED for Homes - Platinum (highest rating) HERs index: average unit – 31. Solar panels on the south facing roof E2 Solar
builder: The Valle Group, Falmouth MA
company: Community Development Partnership